best entrepreneur visa usa

THE BEST ENTREPRENEUR VISA FOR THE USA? The Best Entrepreneur Visa For The USA? There are a number of business visas that enable world class entrepreneurs from all around the world to grow their businesses in the US. Unfortunately, deciding which option to pursue can be challenging.  How Can An Entrepreneur Use The E2 Visa?

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L1 VISA REQUIREMENTS FOR EMPLOYEES Benjamin Frear, Esq. Immigration Lawyer For Entrepreneurs, Employers and World Class Performers Introduction: L1 Visas Requirements for Employees The L1 Visa enables companies to transfer world class employees to a related US based company. In a previous post, I briefly discussed the employer requirements for the L1 Visa. I also

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The L1 Visa is a fantastic visa option that allows multinational companies to transfer highly skilled workers to the US. Petitions for L1 visas have always been closely reviewed by the US government. However, they are now subject to unprecedented scrutiny due to president trump’s Buy American, Hire American Executive Order(BAHA).  As a result of


post from immigration lawyer about the TN Visa

TN STATUS: 6 THINGS THAT CANADIANS SHOULD KNOW Benjamin Frear, Esq. US Business Immigration Lawyer—Practicing Immigration Law Throughout The US When NAFTA was signed on January 1, 1994, it created the world’s largest free trade area. The agreement also created special visa categories for amazing Canadian professionals who want to bring their unique talents to

TN Status For Canadians: 6 Things You Should Know Read More »

THE H2B VISA PROCESS Benjamin Frear, Esq. Practicing US Business Immigration Law Throughout The US Immigration lawyers oftentimes receive calls from people who are interested in hiring temporary workers from abroad. Recently, I received such a call from a business owner who was interested in obtaining an H2b Visa for a prospective employee. I told

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